Saturday, 30 November 2013

forget everything you thought you knew!

i haven't been able to post blog posts lately because of two reasons.
1 - i've been kind of busy, and as such unable to find the time.
2 - i've been intentionally avoiding reading any news or opinion because i thought (perhaps naively) that the abbott government would be an enraging catastrophe.

but boy was i wrong. the liberal government has been, although it pains me to admit, really super good.

"how?" you say, well...

we've gotten mad international exposure for free by thumbing our noses at our immediate neighbors, our regional neighbors and, of course, the international climate summit where as i understand it we won a series of prizes for being the most shitcunt obstructionist country to attend. also i believe the UN is/was giving us fantastic free press by loudly criticizing our inhumane treatment of refugees (a story possibly under reported here for practical reasons as the term "refugee" has become an anachronism)

in other areas, we will in all likelihood be soon living in a trickle-down paradise by virtue of a host of sneaky and not-so-sneaky measures undertaken to ensure the rich stay ever richer and the poor emphatically do not.

what else? let's see. there was our vote at the UN where we sided with notoriously fascist israel over their dispossessed neighbors (along with like 6 other countries and in opposition to all the rest), or there was the recent gift of military hardware to a government perhaps equally well-known for it's human rights abuses (even as britain's own conservative government was simultaneously demanding an investigation in to said crimes)

closer to home the liberal government has decided to fight the ACT's same-sex marriage decision, and, of course, they are slashing all manner of jobs because, after all, non-exploitative jobs are by definition both marxist and abhorrent.

im certain there are more great things but i can't quite remember them (new big debt ceiling? ideological compromises regarding grain companies?). (something about spending a week in an indigenous community?)

however, needless to say, the point has been made. the abbott government's performance has won over even a stupendously critical observer such as myself.

cause bottom line is: you cant argue with results. i just cant deny how relieving it is to see the lies, the waste and the ineptitude of the labor government consigned forevermore to the screaming australian headlines of the past

i understand that many people will be disgusted by this change of heart, but im a pragmatist and believe in credit where credit is due. they've earned it

and so i make my final appeal for reconsideration not to the intellect, but to the heart, to an instinctual understanding of leadership:

"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus."                                                                                             
                                                                                   - Martin Luther King Jr.