i haven't had anything to say here for a while, because, i think, when you see something like a car crash you're speechless for some time. when the scale is so much greater (we are talking about a whole continent here) the period of speechless shock is, i think, accordingly much longer
but dear sexy reader today i DO have something to say: i've figured out the abbott government's political strategy and i'm willing to let you in on it
basically the strategy is a simple one: whenever a truly evil or fiendish decision is made (think: new coal ports, winding back carbon legislation, selling government assets etc) then a second decision, usually more absurd, but, in the grand scheme of things less evil than the first, is also made.
selling off medibank? well, you can nip any meaningful discussion around that in the bud by bringing back knights! scrapping the science ministry? appoint yourself minister for women LOL!
after all, the australian media simply cannot cover more than one story at a time in any sort of meaningful detail, and if it comes down to a story about knights and dames versus a story about the accumulated revenue loss from needlessly selling profitable assets, which story do you think the propagandist editor of the australian will run with? yes that's right; neither. the australian is simply too extreme to be useful as an example, so my bad.
but anyway: while abbott jams his shitty dick in to us with one hand he's jiggling his car keys with the other and it's working.
it might not be the best strategy for keeping government in the long term, but from the perspective of a rabid neoliberal ideologue primarily concerned with things like accelerating the flow of wealth to the already-wealthy, agreeing to a disastrous "free trade" agreement with the great satan and stripping government protections, regulations and assistance, then it's not really too bad a strategy at all
the future is therefore bleak. with how god awful the piece of shit liberal party is it can be easy to forget that the labor party, essentially the other half of our system, is so very, very shit as well.
when abbott is dumped (and i firmly believe he will be) the incoming labor government simply won't be able to undo all the disastrous decisions. it physically wont be able to, but more importantly, i seriously doubt it will have the political resolve. abbott will have done changed the game
furthermore if the cultural wedge-politics so favored by abbott have continued to work as they do now then the 3rd generation of rusted-on tribal liberal voters will have their very own historical record and set of facts from which to determine that it was progressives and "warriors of the left", and definitely not absurd retard policies from an absurd retard government, that caused all the problems they are now facing (and boy will there be problems)
at least in the future people will be free to racially disparage others (but presumably not the knights and dames of our society), people will be liberated from their union jobs, free to work for internationally-competitive wages, always able to have a kick of the footy thanks to the muscular minister for sport.
people of the future will say "remember when we had murdoch as our leader, operating through his chosen agent abbott? he consciously sought to transform australia in to america and largely succeeded. things sure are better now"